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Romans 15:1-2: We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let everyone of us please his neighbor for his good to edification

My Sister's Keeper is a conduit to women of all cultures, races, and nationalities to enable, strengthen, and encourage women to their full potential in God, working collectively to submit ourselves to God, to one another, and to grow into mature believers. Our desire is to become true Godly women ordained and orchestrated by God and filled with the Holy Spirit while serving our family, church and community. Reigniting the lights of those that are dim so that their lights will burn brighter and further than ever before.  We expect to witness the healing and deliverance of our sisters as we minister to their brokenness using our high five model coupled with love and kindness (Jeremiah 31:3).


Our mission is to ignite women, so they are motivated, educated, empowered, and enlightened. We offer a variety of opportunities for women to meet, connect, and grow together.  We believe that we must be intentional.   Sister's Keeper will teach women how to live godly lives through the repetition of wise thoughts and through our High Five Model.


  • Enhanced Worship Experience – We believe in the power of God in our Sunday services and beyond. We experience His power through anointed singing, preaching and relevant worship. All of which leads to an unveiling of God’s presence, causing healing, deliverance, and sanctification.

  • Soul Winning – Each one reaches one. Proverbs 11:30b “He that wins souls is wise”.  There’s no joy like soul winning joy!

  • Social Services – KWAR has developed an array of resources that help to improve the social lives of the people we serve.

  • Social Media – We use both traditional forms of media and new forms of social media to shift these messages toward positive messages encouraging the importance of education, community, humanitarianism and faith.

  • Social Interaction – Connecting outside of the church with the community, various programs, and social justice.  We are voices that cry out in the wilderness, the light that shines in darkness, and the salt of the earth.


Kendra Lewis

Kendra Lewis is a woman after God’s own heart. Her passion is helping others to recognize their divinely designed purpose through writing, speaking, mentoring, and coaching.  Kendra chooses to see life through a spiritual lens, not wanting to miss the valuable lessons that God often teaches through everyday things.  She believes that affirming oneself in Christ is key in developing the confidence and strength it takes to walk a purposeful life. She is an Empowerment Coach and owner of K. Lewis Coaching & Mentoring and became a published author in 2022 with her self-published book, “I AM:  14-Day Journal of Affirmations, Devotionals & Reflections.”  She is also a Mental Health Advocate working towards becoming a licensed clinician. Kendra believes that her life experiences, no matter how difficult, have not been in vain and is not ashamed to share her many testimonies in hopes of helping others break away from spiritual strongholds.


Patti McDaniels

My name is Patti McDaniel I am the mother of 11 children 10 of my children are adopted. I own a bookkeeping firm and a nonprofit called From Pain To Victory. In the past I have taught women’s Bible study and sang on the praise team and in the choir. Also I have worked in youth ministry and children ministry.


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